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International Student Housing




The Suites at Academy Square

虽然校园住宿在大学里很受欢迎,但实际上并不常见 find it at an American community college. In most cases, community college students live off campus. But Snow College is different!

我们的六个宿舍让你有一个全面的社区生活体验, which enhances your college education. This unique advantage gives you the best possible way to:

  • Make new friends from all around the world.
  • Get involved at the College.
  • Save time – no commute!
  • 节省钱,因为房子是家具齐全的,大部分费用都包括在内.
  • 请注意安全,感谢我们的安全措施和住宿助理.
Tip: Housing fills up quickly! See below for deadlines and the link to apply.

On-campus living puts you in the center of it all


Residential Life Suites:

Known as The Suites at Academy Square如果你想认识很多人,享受生活,这是你最好的选择 active social life.

每间套房包括三间或四间卧室,两间带淋浴和两个水槽的浴室. You will share your bedroom with one other student. You also have a kitchenette which 可以方便地自己做早餐或零食——它有一个全尺寸的冰箱, microwave, sink, cupboards, table and chairs. The building also has two communal kitchens to share with others. 然而,你的大部分午餐和晚餐将在 我们的食堂,因为你需要有我们的膳食计划之一,当你住 in the Suites.

Cooking Apartments:


每间公寓都有一个厨房/用餐区,三间卧室,可容纳五名学生 total, and one bathroom. Examples of our Cooking Apartments include Castilleja Hall, Mary Nielson Hall and Snow Hall's Fine Arts Living-Learning Community.

Traditional (Sleep Study) Rooms:

也被称为宿舍或非烹饪室,这是典型的美国大学生活 experience.

At Snow, you can find these types of rooms in Anderson Hall, Snow Hall and Nuttall Hall. 你可以有一个单独的房间或与他人共享,每个卧室都有出口 直接进入走廊,每个走廊上都有社区浴室(淋浴、厕所、水槽) floor. 楼层是按性别分开的,由于没有厨房设施,一顿饭 Plan is required when you live in these residence halls.


Dining on campus and meal plans

如果你住在校内烹饪公寓或校外,你可以选择膳食计划 apartment.

如果你住在学校的住宿生活套房或传统睡眠学习宿舍 Room, then you are required to purchase a meal plan. This is a great way to save time since you won’t need to cook or clean up! You can choose from one of three options:

Option 1
7 swipes/meals per week for $799 per semester

Option 2
12 swipes/meals per week for $1,349 per semester

Option 3
17 swipes/meals per week for $1,849 per semester

学生可以用他们的身份证刷卡购买一顿饭. Alternatively, you can pay with cash or card at the Badger Den Dining Hall or Buster's Bistro; however, the meal plans provide you with discounted daily specials.

On-Campus Dining Halls are normally open as follows:

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 7:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm


Plan your budget and apply early

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行提供美国最实惠的学生宿舍. 事实上,在学校住一整个学期比住一周要便宜 in a big city like New York or Miami! And there's a variety of on-campus options to choose from to suit your lifestyle. (Please note, all prices are subject to change without notice.)


The best rooms fill up fast! To get the biggest variety of options, you should apply early. 即使你还没有拿到签证,最好拿到你的住房申请 in ahead of time so you have the best selection of rooms. When applications are open, you can use the link below to login and apply.

  • 请确保在登录时准备好用户名和密码(您可以找到它们) 在你的官方雪学院录取欢迎信上).
  • 请注意,学生在支付了250美元的押金之后才有保证的预订 fee is paid and the housing application is complete.


住房申请通常提前4-9个月开放. For example:

  • 如果你计划在即将到来的学年秋季开始上课,宿舍会开放 in mid-January.
  • For Summer housing, applications begin in early March.
  • 春季学期开始,住房申请将于10月中旬开始.


Off-Campus Apartments

如果你想要更多的独立性和更广泛的选择范围,那么你 might enjoy living off campus. Affordable housing close to campus is always in high 需求,所以尽管你的最后期限可能是开学前两周 新学期,我们鼓励你尽早申请.

Pricing - what to expect:

  • 校外住房每学期收费在800美元到1930美元之间,具体取决于学生 the building.
  • 你很可能需要支付100美元的不可退还的安置费.
  • 您的押金通常约为250美元,这可能会部分退还,视情况而定 on the apartment.
  • 每套公寓通常有两到三间卧室,一间浴室和一间客厅 and a kitchen. 私人卧室更贵,所以很多学生喜欢合租 their bedroom.
  • 一些公寓会给提前交房租的学生打折 整个学年(秋季学期和春季学期). 
  • 一些租赁合同包括水电费(水、气、电)在内 租金,而其他公寓单独收取这些费用.
  • 学生自己支付电话费和有线电视费.
  • Most apartments are fully furnished; however, you will need to provide your own pillow, blankets, sheets and towels.

Important things to consider regarding your contract:

  • Please read all contracts thoroughly. 
  • 房屋合同和协议是在租房者和房东之间签订的 is not responsible for any issues.
  • 你的合同可能会持续一学年(秋季和春季学期),或者只是 for the Summer session, or year round.
  • 如果你决定不想住在你找到的校外公寓, 你可以在签订合同后的两周内取消合同 paperwork. 即使是住房费用,你也有可能要负责 if you cancel. 你需要直接与公寓经理和你本人交谈 可能需要卖掉你的合同来还清你的债务.

How to find an off-campus apartment:

  • We provide a list of off-campus apartments,但我们不认可或认可任何特定的公寓.
  • 你也可以在Facebook Marketplace上搜索公寓或房间的出租信息 to share.
  • You can check KSL Homes and search for places to rent or try their Classified's Real Estate category.
  • 请记住,如果你申请校外公寓,你必须申请 directly with the apartment, not through Snow College.
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